Pay attention to what science says about ageing and you will add a few more years to your life expectancy, but avoid combining tips under ordinal numbers three and four. Each of us wants to live long and above all beautiful. Is that possible? Surely! But, it is necessary to follow certain rules and have a YES list and a NO list.
Occasional fasting
- If you concentrate your daily calorie intake for a shorter period, it is possible you will slow down the ageing process of cells and prolong their lifespan. Just make sure those calories don’t come from french fries.
- Intake of healthy nitrates found in greens and beets is associated with a reduction in cardiovascular disease. If you eat pizza, add fresh arugula, which contains more nitrate than other vegetables
- A survey conducted on Italians between the ages of 90 and 101 points to these typical traits: optimism, stubbornness, dominant trait, and connection to God, family, and earth
- Research shows sexual activity can reduce the risk of heart disease because it is similar to moderate exercise. True, the risk of heart attack increases, but only for those who are physically inactive.
Oral hygiene
- Those who lost more than five teeth by the age of 65 are at more considerable risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. So, brush, thread, rinse And so on.
The dog
- Families (from 40 to 80 years old) who have a dog, during 12 years of research showed a 30 per cent lower mortality rate compared to their peers who did not have a dog.
Team training
- Exercising in a group — whether it is recreational basketball, cycling or swimming — maintains social cohesion in old age and can contribute to a longer and healthier life.
- When you undergo a critical milestone at a later age, accepting ageing can extend life expectancy by seven and a half years. Look at it from a brighter side.
- Research reveals two glasses of wine a day can reduce the risk of premature death by 18 per cent. But be careful not to cross the line between two drinks and a binge.
- Reject male stereotypes. Even low levels of anxiety and depression are associated with higher mortality rates. It’s time for a story, gentlemen!
Incidental links
- Relentless fun can have a bad effect on your health. The number of people with high cholesterol levels, who experienced the completion of a thirteen-year study, is 16 per cent higher among those married, compared to singles.
- Hours spent on buses, trains and cars can shorten life. Going to work by bike can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Has exercise ever hurt us?
Finally, ask yourself whether all of the above is involved, unattainable, whether you want to apply any of it or not? Maybe you’re just lazy and nothing more? Or are you, on the other hand, a supporter of “enjoying life to the fullest”, so what will be, or “better to live shorter and crazier than long and boring”?
Is that so? What if it is possible to combine quality, meaningful life with its length? With just a little goodwill, perseverance and determination. Some things should be given up, but what you get in return is many times more valuable and pleasant. After all, why not give it a try? Maybe you like this way of extended and quality life?
You may later wonder why you have not already tried it, introduced it into your life as a routine and afford yourself something you did not even know existed. If, in addition, you have a partner next to you who will support you in all this, you are definitely a winner.