How many times have you wondered if a girl really sees you as a potential partner and if you like her? Some signs will convince you of that and open the door for you to move on. Well, let’s go without any special order.
She treats you to a drink
She probably wants to spend a little more time in your company (because she likes you.), so she treats you to a drink. Unexpected and spontaneous. Nice gesture, isn’t it?
She touches you
If she accidentally touches your arm or leg, or any other part of your body, she is definitely interested. Keep in mind that physical contact is “socially unacceptable,” “sexist,” and who knows what else, but the good old relationships between a man and a woman simply imply them if they are voluntary.
Women in this domain function just like men. If he compliments you on how attractive you are or that you have beautiful eyes or hands, there is no doubt that he is flirting with you and he probably doesn’t want the conversation to end there.
He makes eye contact and looks you straight in the eye as you speak, showing you respect and revealing he wants to see you again.
She lets you touch her
Physical contact is very important, so if she doesn’t back down when you touch her waist or hold her hand, she likes you.
She leans toward you
You can conclude many things based on body language, so if he leans towards you while talking, interprets that as a very good sign.
A story about yourself
If she shares private things about herself and wants to open up to you, it is clear she likes you and trusts you. Why don’t you invite her to the movies?
Reveal the hidden
It shows you something hidden. If he picks up a T-shirt to show you a hidden tattoo, he likely wants to reveal something else to you.
She desires you to share a taxi
It’s reasonably simple. If she wants to take a taxi at the end of the evening, feel free to invite her over for another drink.