If you notice these signs, there is definitely strong chemistry between you and the other person. We often say that there is either chemistry between two people or not. It is not something that will appear in time, but immediately, if two people are compatible, and here is how we can recognize it.
When we say that there is chemistry between someone, it is usually something that we cannot explain in words, but simply feel or notice.
Sometimes we are not even aware of it because chemistry can develop with someone we seemingly ignore, or even with someone who is repulsive to us. There are certain signs that there is strong chemistry between two people. Here’s what to look for
Strong attraction
If you seem to be physically attracted to a person, then that clearly indicates the strong chemistry that both of you, or at least one of you, are experiencing.
Chemistry brings people together on a physical level. You don’t just look at each other while you’re in the room with other people, you realize that there is a special connection between the two of you.
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Eye contact
When we talk about eye contact, we don’t just mean looks. We all look at each other all the time. But when you have chemistry with someone, your eyes literally stick to the other person!
Even if your attention should be occupied with completely different things, there is always a person in your mind who is interested in you.
One of the most characteristic signs of chemistry is the desire to touch the object of sympathy. In the process of flirting, you begin to touch the person you like (for example, his or her arm or shoulder) without even noticing it.
You may also accidentally touch it, and you may feel uncomfortable about it. On the other hand, you both feel that something is happening, even if you can’t figure out what it is.
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Strange feeling
You feel strangely stressed and uncomfortable. Some people believe that it could be because your consciousness and subconscious are in conflict. You subconsciously think that this person is attractive, but your ego is not yet ready to fully accept what is happening to you.
Get out of your comfort zone
People who have strong chemistry often tease or ridicule each other with suggestive questions, ambiguous hints… You feel the courage to say to that person something you would never say to anyone else and slowly step out of your safety zone.
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Ease of communication
Yes, you may feel uncomfortable at first, but communication becomes easier over time. You start laughing at other people’s jokes more. The tension disappears – you behave quite naturally and everything happens spontaneously.
You don’t have to deliberately think of topics to talk about and feel inappropriate. Good chemistry means you both have similar thoughts, similar plans, and communicate easily with each other. Harmonious pairs are not difficult to recognize, even by body language.
For example, you may often notice that couples with strong chemistry move more easily as if they understand each other perfectly or anticipate each other’s movements. Their interaction is like a dance. Their movements are synchronized, and communication seems to take place on a subconscious level.
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Other people notice your chemistry as well
Finally, do not underestimate the insight of your friends and family. They are frequently fully aware of what is happening to them. Usually, even such subtle things as too long hugs and handshakes can’t be missed.