How to improve your sex life is a question that every living being asked almost every day. Follow these seven rules and everything will be full of passion and pleasure. Checked!
If you want to improve your sex life, there are a few things you need to pay attention to – here’s how you can do it.
For a relationship between two people to succeed, apart from love and respect, is it necessary to have intimacy, that is, a healthy sex life? What does it mean? That both parties are satisfied and happy, that making love is not just a routine, but an act that they both enjoy equally. How to achieve sexual harmony?
Here are 7 golden rules:
Dialogue is essential for any relationship. Good communication is the basis of healthy sex life. It is important to say how you feel, whether you like something or not, whether it bothers you… Do not be afraid to openly say that you do not want something, or to make it clear that you want it. Your partner cannot read your mind.
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Foreplay is an important part
Touch is the foundation on which human sexuality is built. Foreplay is an essential part of sex as the greatest act of intimacy. The goal is for both partners to enjoy, to feel the peak of intimacy. So dedicate yourself to the whole being of the loved one, not just the genitals. Let all the senses work!
For the satisfaction of both partners, the key is trust and good knowledge, but also to have similar desires and expectations so that one side would not always be dissatisfied. It may be enough for one party to have intimate relationships once a week, and the other may want it every day. An open conversation is the only solution in that case.
Make changes
When a couple lives together for many years, over time, the passion between them can subside, and the intimate act can become routine. To keep the flame of passion alive, awaken your imagination, try something new and different, change roles, come up with games, change places, surprise your partner. You will be thrilled by the new discoveries.
Find time just for you
In modern times full of obligations and stress, it can sometimes be a challenge to find time for intimacy. But you have to do it for your relationship to last in the long run. Leave all the problems at the door and dedicate yourself completely to your partner – go somewhere out of town, have a meeting like before, organize a romantic evening…
It does not happen that the wishes of the partner match 100%. If a man persistently strives only for his own pleasure, worrying a little about a woman’s pleasure, then gradually her sexuality may disappear. That is why it is necessary to listen to your partner, to pay attention to his needs.
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Everything that happens in bed between two people should happen by agreement. Love does not tolerate violence. If your partner suggests sexual experimentation, you must answer clearly whether you want it or not and what the limits are in that case.