Many of the men like to lift weights and practice regularly, others do it because they think it should, others still think it will be easier and faster to attract a potential partner, maybe meet her in the gym, but – the reasons why they should lifting weights are far more serious. Let’s start with a special order – everyone is equally important.
Relieve stress
A study published in the international journal of sports medicine revealed that people who lifted weights for two weeks had a drastically reduced level of cortisol, known as the stress hormone.
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Reduce the occurrence of heart disease
A study within sports medicine found that lifting weights lowers the risk of heart disease, and those who already suffer from cardiovascular disease are advised to start resistance training first.
Increases longevity
Remove anti-wrinkle cream, because we have a better way to fight to age. It has been scientifically proven that lifting weights can really work wonders for your skin and slow down the ageing process in your bones and skin.
In addition, lifting weights reduces the presence of a chemical called myostatin, which has been found to shorten the lifespan by 15 per cent.
So, run to the gym and get ready to lift weights and prolong your life.
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Improve athletic performance
One of the world’s leading sports magazines claims that the weightlifting program improves any performance that requires great speed and strength.
Improve sleep quality
Lifting weights tires your muscles, and in combination with the stress-relieving effect, lifting can lead to a good night’s sleep.
Instead of counting sheep because you can’t sleep, count reps.
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It attracts women
A study by a renowned University found a correlation between masculinity and their success in weightlifting. We are not saying this should be the only reason why you should lift weights, but self-confidence due to a new attitude and a great sculpted body can be the key to success with the fairer sex.