7 days of transformation

For a more relaxed life, turn to minimalism. One of the leading trends of the modern age is minimalism. After decades of rule of consumerism and accumulation – we have finally started to accept the idea of “less is more.”

Achieving the art of minimalism is not as complicated as it seems to you and will take you to a more relaxed life. What are the benefits of a minimalist lifestyle?

  • You will have less to worry about money – because you will only buy what you really need.
  • You will spend less time cleaning the house – because you will throw out the excess and will not pile things up
  • A simpler life visually will lead to a lack of stress
  • Like your environment, your mind will become more relaxed, purer. More space will be left for creative solutions and ideas and it will be easier for you to make complex decisions.
  • You will have more free time for yourself.
  • You will learn what flexibility is in the true sense – you will no longer be attached to the walls as before, and moving will not cause panic and unnecessary stress in you.
  • You will feel more satisfied, just because you will not feel the urge to buy some things that you have been burdened with all your life, and you did not need.
  • You will convey a more favourable initial impression on people – because organization, simplicity and clarity are three characteristics universally appealing to people all over the world.
  • You will do something good for the planet as well – you will not produce surpluses — fewer unnecessary purchases — less waste.

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Transform into a minimalist in 7 days, step by step. Here are suggestions on how you can organize your time:


Make a list of what really matters to you, but try to make this list as short as possible;


Get rid of the trash, but not just what’s in the trash. Look around you and start throwing out everything that stands out negatively and that in no way contributes to your happiness and well-being. See which of these is in good condition to be donated;


How many items you bought last year did you actually use this year? Here is the answer to what should be kept;


Be minimalist at work, including the number of meetings. Get involved in the ones you really need.


Take a good look at your home and determine the location for each item/category you will keep. That way, you will know immediately where everything is, and you will not waste time searching and cleaning.


Buy only what you need for this new lifestyle. Does bed linen changes every week? Two in a row are enough. Do you wear ties every day? Eight is enough.


A day that you will design yourself, based on the burial and the current feeling. You can also enjoy the results achieved in the previous week. And then? What should you do? Here is our suggestion, and you think about it.

The smile on your face relief of the stress

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In recent times, stress at work is an increasingly ordinary reason for absence and sick leave, and as such has huge economic consequences. However, up to this date, no credible blood stress marker has been available, which is directly related to the pathological condition as a consequence.

So, don’t despair about what you can’t change, pack your backpack and sneakers and at least for an hour, go somewhere in nature, away from the city crowds, ringing your mobile phone and constantly looking at your watch. Because there are so many things in life that we fear and don’t need. You have to live.

Healing laughter

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Laughter is probably one of the most natural, best and most economical anti-stress programs, and at the same time the most practical. It results in dilation of blood vessels and better oxygenation of tissues because when we laugh, we inhale a larger amount of oxygen.

The engaged abdominal muscles massage the internal organs and improve circulation, the facial muscles stretch, the skin becomes red and taut, and the wrinkles are ironed. It acts as a mood regulator, because it removes accumulated depression, relieves tension, releases anxiety, raises energy, improves self-confidence and instils attitudes of optimism, tolerance, kindness and forgiveness.

In that way, people overcome everyday selfishness, become more sociable and less reserved. Laughter, gymnastics, song and dance are practised in a group and represent non-verbal communication, deeply social, which brings people together and improves interpersonal relationships. Rejoicing even for small, seemingly insignificant things could be the key to a better psychophysical state because creating a good mood and a feeling of joy stimulates the secretion of hormones that have a beneficial effect on our health.

Concentrations of beta-endorphins, which relieve pain and growth hormone, which boosts immunity, rise when people watch a fun program. On the other hand, the level of hormones released in stress, cortisol, adrenaline and dopamine decreases by 40-70% in those people who participate in a beautiful, happy event, the results of the research shows.

A story of laughter

As early as the 13th century, some surgeons used humour to distract patients from pain during interventions, while ancient builders built hospitals near the theatre so that patients could hear laughter every day. In another part of the world, Martin Luther used a form of “humour therapy” to treat people with depression.

In the 1980s, Dr Hunter Patch Adams came up with the idea of handling patients using laughter and a good mood. He is the originator of the idea of hiring clowns – therapists to work with hospital patients, especially in children’s wards, which were later accepted by many hospitals around the world.

It has been completely proven that even children suffering from serious diseases have significantly less need for analgesics because laughter affects the release of endorphins, a natural painkiller. Our body is capable of producing it in a situation when it has to fight against what is assaulting it, so let’s put the doctor who is squatting inside us with laughter.

Therapeutic benefits

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In practice, there is ample evidence. It has long been known that two minutes of laughter have the same physical effect on our body as ten minutes of exercise, and it has been experimentally proven that blood pressure drops after practising ten minutes of laughter.

Laughter is one of the best exercises for all those who suffer from asthma and bronchitis because it improves the capacity of the lungs and the level of oxygen in the blood. Since breathing capacity is one of the factors that determine endurance in sports, laughter before any competition will certainly increase the level of relaxation, and thus strength, which ensures a better placement of competitors.

All negative emotional states, such as anxiety, depression or fear, weaken our body’s immune system. The researchers found that in the secretion secreted by the nasal mucosa after laughter therapy, there is an increase in the number of antibodies belonging to the type of immunoglobulin, known to have a function in counteracting microorganisms. So, laugh people, because there is always a good reason for that.

Based on all the above, it is not difficult to conclude that the proper organization of time and frequent practice of laughter and humour will have a positive effect on sexual life. Lower blood pressure, more oxygen in the blood, less stress automatically mean better potency. Therefore instantly consider what you have to do!

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