5 things to do before spring

Bring happiness, health and good energy into your life, and of course – dating!

Here’s what you need to do before spring begins to get the most out of it

The spring of 2022 promises to be very favourable from an astrological and energetic point of view.

To make the most of all its potential, you need to prepare for it in time. Here are 5 things to do before spring begins:

Clear your thoughts

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Spring is a time of liberation and transformation.

The first thing you need to do before the beginning of spring is to clear your thoughts of negative thoughts and worries, of everything that prevents you from moving forward.

Spiritual cleansing is above all – remember this.

Balance your diet

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As spring approaches, start slowly changing your eating habits, eating as few heavy, fatty and fast foods as possible. Add more vegetables and fruits, less heat-treated, and increase water intake.

Do blood tests and check with your doctor if you need supplementation. It takes a long time for it to take effect, so start as soon as possible.

This will affect your intellectual and physical productivity and help you fight the virus more effectively.

Refresh your look

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Spring is the time when nature blooms. Not only does it bloom, but so do we. It is very useful to change something about yourself before the beginning of spring.

The change does not have to be drastic, only a new hairstyle, a few new accessories or pieces of clothing are enough.

It will definitely lift your mood, you will like yourself more, you will have more self-confidence.

Start playing sports

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If you haven’t already, force yourself, at least now, when the day is getting longer and the temperatures are milder, to leave the house and be physically active. Whether it’s a brisk walk outside, going to the gym or some group program like Pilates, aerobics and the like, it will suit your body. It is also important for health, for a better mood, and only then comes the physical appearance. Do not go beyond your limits, move moderately and be patient.

Tidy up the house

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Cleanroom by room. Surely a lot of dust has accumulated during the winter, but also unnecessary things that you have accumulated unnecessarily. Also inspect closets, clothes, and clothes that you no longer wear or that have not been worn for a long time. Get rid of excess items, broken electrical appliances, old newspapers, bills, worn-out dishes… Free up space for new energy!