5 complications that nail-biting causes

Each of us has been biting our nails at some point in our lives. Or maybe it still does? Have any of us wondered if this is a potentially bad and vicious habit? Not to mention it`s ugly. When you find out what consequences this behaviour can cause, you will want to stop biting your nails right away!

If you have so far solved nervousness and unstable moods by gnawing your nails, this text should lead you to finally have a solution to this unpleasant habit.

If you think about the act of biting your nails, you will think of many more health complications that can lead to you, and we have singled out a few.

Hand Herpes

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If you have oral herpes — and about 40 per cent of adults have it — you can infect your fingers with the virus. This could result in fever, but usually, the first symptoms are painful tingling and itching of the infected fingertips. After a week or two, painful ulcers filled with lymph or blood develop, which will remain in that place for some time.

Warts on the face

If you just come in contact with the nipples, the infection will easily stay on your fingers and nails and you will find it difficult to get rid of them — and if you touch your face or mouth with your fingers — warts will also appear in these places.

Dental problems

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The bases that hold the root of your teeth can be deformed or destroyed by chronic nail-biting, causing tooth decay. Biting your nails can also cause the teeth you use to bite to break, and can cause gum disease – gingivitis.

Ingrown nails

Your nails contain a generative layer called a “matrix.” A bite or bite-related infection can damage that matrix, which could lead to chronic nail ingrown or deformed nails.

Nasty infections

If you bite too much, you can injure the delicate skin under the nail, leaving it exposed to any bacteria or pathogens in your mouth – and there are plenty of them. One of the most common forms of infection is called paronychia and can cause swelling, redness, pain and lumps full of pus. It is an infection that can last for weeks.

How do you get rid of nail-biting?

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With simple tricks, you can get rid of this ugly and primarily very harmful habit to health because it can cause numerous infections. Here are three effective ways to solve the problem, which require only a few minutes of your time:

  • Dip your fingers in lemon juice and keep them in that juice for about five minutes
  • Rub your fingers with hot pepper (the taste you will feel when you reach for your nails will surely lead you to never do it again)
  • While at home, wrap each nail in a band-aid or adhesive tape

In addition to these practical tips, it is best to try to divert your attention to some activity so as not to unknowingly return to a bad habit. Just imagine how your better half would react to some of these symptoms, or what would you say if you relayed some of these unpleasant phenomena to her?

Therefore, it is better to dedicate yourself to finding a new partner on someone next to Dating Sites than to bite your nails. Your mood, appearance and health will certainly be at a far higher level if you are interested in these sites than if you are nervous and biting your nails. Try it!