It’s no secret that we are slaves to screens – however, some of us would rather cover our heads before admitting this.
How many of you go to bed with a cell phone, tablet, or even a laptop? Some even wake up to respond promptly to notifications.
According to research conducted on rats, the blue light emitted by phones is directly related to the craving for sweets. This makes it difficult for you to resist the refrigerator door and the “sweet boxes”.
Namely, rats that were exposed to blue light had an increased need for sweets the next day, and reduced tolerance to glucose was noticed, due to sudden spikes in blood sugar – which is a sign of diabetes.
Involved in all this is how the screen radiation affects the quality of sleep. Sleep deprivation, which occurs due to looking at the phone before bed, has been proven to affect the production of ghrelin – a hormone that regulates the feeling of hunger, as well as the reduction of leptin, which controls the feeling of satiety. This means you will find it harder to feel full, no matter how sweet you have already eaten.
Adjust the effect of blue light, at least before bed. Leave the phone in another room. “You’re awake,” represent a message you can reply to in the morning as soon as you wake up.
Here are a few more tricks on how to reduce the need for sweets:
Frequent meals
If you eat regular meals during the day, which maintain a balanced nutritional distribution of protein, quality carbohydrates and healthy fats, you will find it easier to control satiety and prevent sudden changes in blood sugar levels.
Quality snacks
The magnesium contained in nuts and dark chocolate increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, which will maximize the amount of sugar that the body metabolizes and prevent sudden oscillations.
Add spices, like cinnamon, to your food and snacks. Research has indicated their power to regulate blood sugar levels. In that name, pour a full spoon into your morning porridge.
Regulate stress with constant exercise. Not merely will you reduce anxiety, but you will also increase the amount of energy – which is the leading factor that makes people reach for sweets.