4 reasons why you are unfortunate in love

If you think you are unlucky in love, think again. The thing is, how do you approach the person you love. And will you let it ruin you from within? Will you let him change you? Maybe it hurts you? Does it hurt every night before bed?

To be lucky in love, you must first walk away from the people who make you sad. No matter how difficult it is to take that step, sometimes it is the only solution and the only way out of an unbearable situation.

To be lucky in love, you must first understand what love is not. What is it that you must not tolerate? And no matter how deep someone is etched in your heart. There are four reasons why you feel bad. Things you tolerate, and you shouldn’t dare do that.

First scenario

02 sreca u ljubavi

In a relationship, you must not allow yourself suffocating. Do you accept crumbs and share the attention of someone’s love? No, not at all. If someone cannot give himself completely to you, then everything is clear. You are not everything to him! You are not his only one. And if you continue like that, you will probably become one big nothing in your partner’s life. To be more precise, you will become the most ordinary toy with which he can do whatever he wants and desires. And why? Because you allowed it.

Second scenario

Don’t be blind! It frequently happens that love simply blinds a person. In that situation, he believes in everything and everything, swallows lies, suffers pain in himself and worst of all, he hopes that at some point everything will fall into place. And little heart, your place is not next to those who hurt you. You must never neglect that!

Third scenario

Don’t neglect yourself and your needs. Once someone realizes they can exploit and deceive you, they will do so every time it suits them. In any case and situation. Be smart enough to be in a relationship where you feel loved and safe, in a relationship where they won’t complain to you about your flaws. Maybe extra pounds or speech impediments? Maybe a scar on my body? Remember – as you are, so you are and there is nothing you can change. Or almost nothing. But you are the best to yourself. And whoever loves you will accept you as you are.

Fourth scenario

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Never trample on your feelings just to please someone. Anytime and anything. If you have to be what you are not, if you have to do what you don’t want to do, if you have to keep what you want to go, then – don’t. Simply, don’t. Not every loss is a bad thing, and every person should know that, in every place at all times. Notably when you lose people who didn’t know how to appreciate all your qualities. And how much you are really worth, but not in a material sense.