20 signs that your partner is cheating on you

Although this topic can be unpleasant, it is not bad to know and recognize situations that can harm you. In particular, we are talking about signs that irrefutably lead to the fact that the ground floor is cheating on you. So, pay attention to these hints. It doesn’t have to mean that if one of them shows up, the partner must have someone next to you, but there is a high probability that something like that is really possible.

Could it be a false alarm?

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Keep in mind that it is quite possible that your partner shows all these signs, but that he still does not cheat on you, that he is faithful to you. Maybe it just hints you need to change and become closer to your partner. Everything is individual but worth paying attention to.

If, on the other hand, they are so cunning and careful, there is a possibility that there is not one of the signs we are going to talk about, but that your partner is cheating on you! And, finally, what to do and how to behave? Do your best to be in the best possible relationship with your partner, to trust each other and not get into a situation where your partner feels the need to cheat on you. However, be careful, though.

Keep in mind that cheating happens in even the best marriages and is not the result of bad relationships, injustice or anything bad. Sounds illogical? Completely! So what does that mean? It means your partner was subject to some influences at the time and was not able to control his personal emotions. The most important thing, in the end, is that the relationship or marriage can be preserved even after the fraud!

You are no longer a team

In the beginning, you did all the things as a team, agreed, consulted, proposed, did the intended and everything worked perfectly. You two weren’t two individuals – you were one! You are not that anymore. One of you is more independent, so he encourages his partner to be independent – simply put, he drives him away.

It highlights your every flaw

Everything you do is ungood. Everything you think is out of place. Everything you say is reversed. I can’t wait for you to make a mistake somewhere, to develop a discussion about it. Why? Well at a particular moment, it is an excuse for what he/she is doing at that moment. In fact, they justify themselves because they feel guilty for everything they do to you.

They get easily annoyed and look for an argument

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Communication is not at the required level. But not in the way when you have been together for so long and you already know how the other side thinks, so from time to time you quarrel over some unimportant thing that you smooth out very easily, but the reason for the most frequent and fierce quarrel is sought. Simply put, intolerance reigns. You are no longer so good at them as to ignore the flaws that every human being possesses.

Constantly checking where you are

For a scam to be completely successful, the person committing adultery must know where you are at all times, how long you will stay there and whether there is a chance that you will meet, get caught in adultery and the like.

He becomes emotionally distant

This is a typical sign that shows there has been emotional cooling, satiety. Some may say that falling in love eventually turns into love, and love entails respect and certain specific emotions. That’s right. But when we talk about deception and emotional distance, then it is something else.

In this case, there is a real cooling, on the principle that you almost don’t know each other. In these cases, there is no energy between the partners.

He works overtime constantly

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From time to time, situations like this are really possible. And expectations. But not all the time! True, there are jobs where it is possible to fall into such a whirlwind that you constantly work longer than planned, but your partner in these cases complains and asks for your opinion on how to put yourself in a specific situation.

It doesn’t open for you anymore

Similar to emotional cooling, but still a little different. You used to say everything to each other. You showed emotions, and even with men who by their nature do not show emotions to the extent that women do, we come to a situation where they do not show or say anything. They are completely enclosed in their shell. It doesn’t have to refer only to emotions, but also to everyday things – what happens to him at work, does he suffer any pain, when did he meet and the like.

He seeks more freedom

He says – let me breathe a little, to see my friends, to do things that only I like … Why do we have to be together all the time? All this means looking for some personal space. Although you must know, personal space, comfort zone or call it whatever you want, a healthy marriage is necessary. But! If you see a sudden increase in the desire for personal space, there is something wrong.

He meets new friends

We are not talking here about one, two or three people in a reasonably long period, but about a large number of people in a short period! The problem is not that new people enter your partner’s life, but that he does not introduce you to those new people, as if he is hiding you from them or vice versa.

Less and less spontaneous sex

In this case, we are talking about physical intimacy. It doesn’t have to be just pure sex, but also some tenderness that comes quite spontaneously, for no reason. You can even see that even in situations of sexual charge there is no longer that zeal, spontaneity and intimacy, madness and other “spices,” that suggests something.

He pays more attention to the phone than to you

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This is a characteristic sign, but only if it started happening suddenly. We are all more or less dependent on the means of communication, but we have our own measure and limits. If you notice a sudden increase in the time your partner devotes to the phone, it is already a sign of alarm. Especially if he won’t tell you who he is corresponding with so much, when he laughs and whatnot.

A complete change of style

In vain, your partner completely changed your style of dress, behaviour, hairstyle… he is constantly dressing up, perfuming and doing other things that were not so characteristic in the previous time. Going to the gym, to the beautician and everything that your partner has not done so far because of you, can be a good alarm signal.

A sudden change in attitudes

Everything you have known so far about your partner’s attitudes, whether they match yours or not, suddenly changes drastically. Or a change in taste: now he no longer likes a certain type of music or movies, but something quite the opposite.

He hides things, seeks privacy

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The phone is no longer in a visible place, the access codes to the phone, email or some devices have been changed in vain… This, in turn, does not mean you need to control other people’s phones, tablets or emails, especially your partner`s, but any hiding is easy to notice. And all together it is a good sign that something is happening.

Unjustified costs

This signal is more common to men. Why? Well, because they like being gallant and to honour their mistress, to take her to expensive places and buy lavish gifts to show their power and desire to own her. And it costs money.

Quick shower

This is such a classic sign, that there is no need to say anything about this act. So, immediately upon entering the house, almost without a greeting – the direction to the bathroom and a detailed shower. This is a classic deception of traces, removal of odours, possibly lipstick and the like. If you notice your partner immediately put his clothes in the washing machine, we have nothing further to say. He’s hiding something!

He doesn’t plan or talk about the future with you

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You used to plan what you would do in the future. Let’s not go that far and talk about retirement days, but what will happen in a year or two, will you replace the car, buy a plot and build a cottage, go on an exotic trip and the like, and now there is nothing more. Nothing! And why? Expertly, because he likely doesn’t even want a future with you.

He/she accuses you of cheating

In psychology, it is called a mapping or a mirror! Who will say “hold a thief” if not the thief himself or “the killer always returns to the crime scene.” So here too. An adulterer will accuse you of cheating on him.

He’s telling you he’s cheating on you

This is such an amazing situation, that almost no one could believe it. And it passes with most people as a joke. And the one who cheats has all the trump cards in his hands and the justification that he told the truth. And rarely will anyone continue to think about a statement that is — in fact — true.

Mostly such things are easily forgotten and put under a joke. Such a move can be classified as a good psychological tactic. Therefore, do not fall for such statements. Take them with the utmost seriousness and care. Notably, if such statements are referred to at certain intervals.

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