15 signs she or he loves you

There is no human being who has never wondered if a certain person of the opposite sex really loves him. And not just once in a lifetime, but many times. What kind of person can it be? Well, mostly it refers to a partner in love, whether they are partners who are just in a relationship or maybe married.

We ask such questions more often than we are aware of, many times without any reason, but is that so? In order not to wonder, wonder or even be afraid whether someone loves you or not, you can conclude it yourself without a single question, based on these 15 signs. But let’s clarify some things at the very beginning: we are talking about true love and not about falling in love.

He’s teasing you

This is definitely one of the first signs that someone likes you. The closer you are to someone and the deeper your feelings for you, the more you are teased. People who are not your friends and do not have any feelings for you will never tease you. Let’s face it. It doesn’t have to be constant and every day, but from time to time, when the opportunity arises, the people you love will surely tease you whenever they can.

Teasing can be public, in front of other people, which is the most common case, because it is, among other things, an indicator to other people that there is some chemistry between you. Later, that teasing grows into internal jokes, which only the two of you understands.

He wants to be always by your side

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A specific person wants to spend all the time with you. It is a remarkable sign that feelings have transcended friendly boundaries. A specific person will find any reason to be next to you, to share the same space with you, to be as close to you as possible… And almost constantly, during all 24 hours during the day. Don’t be surprised if he suggests you sleepover together, in the same or different beds. No preference.

He accepts your flaws

More precisely, it accepts you as you really are, with all the positive and negative sides of your personality. Let us be aware of the fact that we all have our flaws. It’s a fact. Just like the fact that the one who cares about you will put those flaws aside and won’t mind. If that person is rational, he will point out those flaws to us nicely and discreetly, not because they bother him, but so that they do not turn out to be rude or unpleasant in society. But, the person who cares about you will not have a problem even if you do not understand it and do not remove those personal shortcomings – flaws. She will always be there for you.

He pays attention to detail

The person who cares about you will pay attention to the details. And the ones she likes and the ones she doesn’t. For example, he always knows what you like to drink or eat, what is your favourite colour, music, where you like to spend the summer, winter, how you like people to treat you and the like. And even little things that you may unconsciously do, such as facial expressions and gestures that other people may not notice.

Appreciate your thoughts, words and deeds

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Merely put – he listens to you and pays attention to even the most minor details. He listens to you and appreciates what you say. He may agree with you even if he doesn’t think the same. Therefore, he loves you and wants to agree with you, your views, opinions and the like. We cannot say that this “detail” is positive and should be done, but people often do such things unconsciously.

It opens for you

Here we need to make a clear division – opening women and opening men. Men are far harder to open than ladies, so if he complains about the things that bother him, it hurts, if he even sheds a tear in front of you, it is an unequivocal sign that he loves you. Men, by the way, are not prone to easy giving and expressing emotions.

For women, this is already a bit easier, but it does not mean a woman will open up to everyone. And she, like a man, will express those most refined emotions only in front of the person she cares about.

He is relaxed in your presence

What does this even mean? Both men and women, when they have feelings for each other, can do things that fall into the domain of the absolutely personal. This may sound extremely banal, but it is a sure and unequivocal way to have strong feelings for you. Fart, without hesitation and restraint! Far away, they will release their body gases without mufflers – audibly, clearly and loudly. It is the strongest sign that someone is completely relaxed in your (intimate) company. Of course, it will not do so in situations where a third person or a larger group of people is present.

They won’t even be embarrassed to talk to you while sitting on the toilet, they can undress in front of you and do anything they typically do only when they are alone. It is a sign that they are unashamed in front of you, that they are relaxed and that they enjoy your company completely. All of the above, of course, does not apply to those extroverted people who have neither shame nor embarrassment, so they do such things literally in front of everyone.

Relationships are protective

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This primarily applies to men who take a protective stance towards women they care about. Reverse situations also happen, but that is not so often the case. Thus, according to some unwritten rule, the male or male of all mammals, by nature, treat women or females protectively. It is clearly written in the genetic code of all living things. It is not uncommon for a male to sacrifice himself for his female, even literally, just so that everything would be fine with her and so that she would be safe and satisfied.

The reason for this is primordial. It is the woman who should give birth to offspring, raise them and take care of them until they grow up and pass on their father’s genes to future generations. Even when you don’t have children, a man behaves like that because it is implanted deep in his mind.

However, in the human race, those situations are strictly directed only towards the person towards whom the finest feelings are nurtured. Not every man will protect every woman! Only the one he considers to be his potential life companion.

You feel comfortable and safe next to them

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When a woman feels she is next to a man who loves her, she feels comfortable and safe next to him by the nature of things. You know what when someone says “I’m fine and when we keep quiet together”? That’s the feeling. It’s the same with the male side. A man who is next to a loved one feels comfortable and relaxed. Some of the above things are more valid for men, some for women, but if we look at the complete picture, it is almost identical. With certain variations that make a certain gender characteristic. Of course, all of this applies to adults, not teenagers who don’t even know what it all means.

It is open to your suggestions

This means that he will be ready to accept new ideas and do some things that would never occur to him. Which he never thought about. But for your sake, he will do it without discussion. It would be said among the people that he will “go into fire and water for you”, although he may be horrified by the very idea of doing what was proposed to him.

She’s afraid of losing you

People often do things they would never think of for fear of losing a loved one. It should be borne in mind that one of the biggest fears in life is not to lose you for people they love. Of course, such feelings should be unabused, but it is a sure sign that someone loves you.

He is looking forward to your happiness

In general, people who are your friends rejoice in your happiness. But certainly not to the extent that a person loves you. There are situations where the person in question rejoices more than you personally! It may sound absurd and impossible, but it is so. And they cannot hide that sincerity, no matter how much they may wish.

He trusts you

If you have absolute trust in someone, it means you trust him endlessly and that you love him immensely. Of course, you are sure it will not hurt you in any way. It can also be interpreted in such a way that someone in your company faces personal fears. For example, he confides in you what he is most afraid of, he trusts you that he can confide such details to you without thinking about whether you will condemn him, ridicule him or pass on to others your greatest fears, which bad people can abuse. It is, therefore, a sure sign that there is chemistry between you.

It is always there for you

Whenever you need something, you know you can rely on a certain person. She will accept it and offer you help even when you do not make a direct request. When a person feels you need him, he will be created next to you in the shortest possible time. And most importantly, he will never find excuses why he is not in a position to help you. He’ll manage!

He tells you he loves you

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This may be a banal but extremely important activity in a relationship between two people. If someone tells you directly and in person that he loves you, he is not saying that for no reason. The declaration of love, on the other hand, should not be taken lightly. Unfortunately, words are a very cheap commodity in modern times, but there is a difference in the way someone declares love to you sincerely and without hidden intentions and those who do it out of any kind of greed. How to recognize the difference?

When someone sincerely declares his love for you, he does so with extremely strong and emphasized emotions. And not at any time, but only when your closeness is at a very high level. In addition to verbal communication, a person who declares love can see it on his face, body language and other “symbols” that unequivocally make known sincere feelings and the truth of spoken words. It is that feeling when it seems to you that someone wants to get under your skin, only when it would be possible.

If you notice most of these signs, you can be pretty sure someone really loves you and has the finest feelings for you. It doesn’t have to be all the above signs, but if there are most of them, more than half of them, there is no doubt – the person who loves you is standing directly in front of you. By love signs, we do not mean emoji or similar stickers in SMS messages. These are decorations that are used just like that, for purely aesthetic reasons, very rarely in situations because someone really thinks and feels it.

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