10 things you don’t need to share with anyone!

There are some personal things or events that you need to keep to yourself. Something that should represent your personal privacy, something that absolutely no one should know, not even the people closest to you. And there are many reasons for that, which will impose themselves on you when you read what we have to tell you and think about what should be kept as the biggest secret. Well, let’s start without any particular order because every paragraph is equally important.

Services and Charities

All the good you do to other people, you should keep to yourself. It is not pleasant or desirable to brag about your good deeds. If you’ve done something good for personal marketing, then it’s not really a charity. Humanity is a special trait and characteristic of selected people, which does not have to be reflected only in material things. So if you want to help someone in trouble, don’t make a fuss about it. Keep it to yourself and let the person you helped decide whether to talk about it or not. Maybe it puts you and yourself in an awkward situation? Remember that humanity can easily turn into arrogance.

Life goals and plans

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Each of us has certain goals and plans in our head that he wants to achieve in a certain period, shorter or longer. Why should it remain your little secret? Not because someone else could take your ideas, use them for personal needs, pleasures or enrichment, but because a large number of evil people will try in every way to prevent you from achieving your goals, out of pure malice and jealousy. . You can share such ideas, desires and goals exclusively with the people who, according to your wishes, are part of that potential story, someone with whom you want to achieve it and without whom it simply would not be possible.

Lifestyle and habits

It is not desirable to talk about what and how you do. Don’t even compare yourself to other people, because your lifestyle is only yours, and don’t let anyone influence it. Only in this way will you be happy and satisfied with what you have achieved and all the other events in your life. You will know that they are real and what you really want. Everything else could be subsumed. Plus, evil people will declare you a braggart, which can create additional and completely undesirable problems in your life. You don’t need that kind of self-promotion.

Family and personal problems

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This is a topic that you definitely and absolutely should not mention or talk to anyone, not even your closest friends. It is something that is kept exclusively for itself and is resolved within the family. These people do not include so-called professionals, such as marriage counsellors, lawyers, doctors of certain specialities… So people who, by the nature of their work, have a legal obligation not to tell anyone about it. No one you talk to about it will help you. But it can abuse your problems and turn them against you.

Life philosophy and belief

It is not desirable to publicly share your vision of life, goals, the way you imagine you can achieve it, personal beliefs and the like. Why? Quite simply, a large group of people are on the opposite side concerning you, so the chances are very high that you will resent someone, even if you enter into a confrontation. Keep personal attitudes and beliefs to yourself, and possibly like-minded people, at least people you think, might be in a similar situation and understand you. But don’t be fooled, there are very few of them.

The biggest fears and weaknesses

This is an absolute taboo topic, which you should not talk about even with the most born. There are habitual people who will at some point, even if unknowingly, abuse that knowledge if they can benefit from it, or for any other reason want to hurt you. Even if you think that there is something you will say to only one person and be almost certain that that person will not spread your confession further, be sure that that person also has someone “reliable and confidential” and so on. Shortly, a considerable number of people will know about your fears and weaknesses, among whom there are certainly those who will know how to abuse it against you.

Don’t publish other people’s secrets

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In the sea of evil people, try to be different and not be a part of them how? Very simple. If someone entrusts you with one of their own, let’s call it a secret. Be a man and keep that knowledge exclusively for yourself! Don’t tell that to the person you think is the most trusting in the world, or to your partner, or a relative… Nobody! Don’t let anyone hate you for not being able to keep your mouth shut. At least until the moment when you will forget who and what told you.

Love, marriage and family secrets

This is information that concerns only spouses and family members. Spoken between four walls, it should both stay there and be resolved. Without the help of anyone else. These can be love problems, unpleasant situations between partners, cheating, betrayal, a problem with children… Anything. This is the type of problem that should not and should not interest and interest anyone else who is not the closest family member.

Material or financial condition

Property, the amount of money you own, valuables, works of art and similar things remain just your “secret”. There is simply no need to talk about it. But not because someone will rob you (and that remains one of the possibilities), but because you unnecessarily create envy in other people, who will look at you completely differently from that moment. As a braggart, as a bad person, as a person who cares about self-promotion and emphasizing personal abilities and property status, for the sake of humiliating a direct interlocutor. And nobody likes that. So, be humble as much as you can! And be equally correct and kind to everyone, regardless of his personal financial situation. People will know how to appreciate it, and you will gain friends instead of enemies.

Don’t share anything about children

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This, in turn, is the most sensitive topic, regardless of whether it is about your or other children. Consider this an absolute taboo topic. Foremost, you don’t have the right to do that, because you didn’t get permission to talk about them from those same children. And all of them, even if you asked them, how can a child of one, two or 12 give you an adequate answer and permission for something like that?

It should be borne in mind that children are pliable and curious, so they will very easily permit you to say something about them that should not be made public. You can’t do anything good to your own and other people’s children by talking about them in public. Do we need to go into details? Children are simply not talked about, nor are children’s photos published!

You may not even be aware, but a large number of people can abuse all these banal things in the worst possible way. Therefore, take care of what you do and what you talk about. And don’t forget, nowadays, information is the most valuable thing that someone can have or own.