10 stupidest ways to make a child

Bad idea buddy, desperate! In fact, let’s go a little into the future to see how desperate your decision actually was. In the first year of a baby’s life, between visits and the doctor, clothes, shoes, diapers, food and everything else, a small, tiny baby can cost a lot. We’re not saying that’s wrong if you’re planning on having kids. But if a child is a product of recklessness and fun, then it is something completely different.

So if you are not ready to change beer for baby diapers, you would be better off reading this article. Because even if you play it safe most of the time, you probably screwed up in ways you couldn’t even believe could happen to you.

ERROR: You think sex while standing prevents pregnancy

First, we could not believe that anyone normal could believe this nonsense, but if research is to be believed, such examples exist. So what you have to remember is: “Gravity is not a contraceptive“! This is a seemingly obvious estimate, isn’t it? Remember it next time, when you want sex in a hurry.

ERROR: You take any lubricant

02 10 najglupljih nacina

Always, always, always, always, always check what that lubricant is made of or that condom you planned to put on won’t be worth a penny, you know which one. Lubricants that are based on oils or petroleum lubricants, such as mineral oils or massage lotions, can destroy your condom, or more precisely, you are more likely to break it.

ERROR: Your hands are sweaty, so you will open the condom with your teeth

We don’t need to talk much about this, by using any tool to open a condom, whether it’s a knife, scissors or your teeth, you can very easily drill a tiny hole in your protection. Think carefully about whether you want sharp objects and close to a very thin barrier that separates you from fatherhood.

ERROR: You put on a condom, but you don’t leave room at the top

Another basic mistake, here we explain to you by example. If you put your palm on the faucet and press, and then unscrew the faucet to the end, where will that water go? You don’t have to be a scientist for this… So, leave at least one eight of an inch on top so that the condom can properly “catch” your ejaculation, without this space, you risk the condom bursting.

ERROR: She’s taking pills. You don’t need a condom

03 10 najglupljih nacina

If you are in a relationship, you trust her to take pills at the same time every day. But if it’s a one-night stand, then it’s not worth the risk. According to some research, pills give 91% to 99% protection, but in combination with condoms, that protection is almost perfect.

ERROR: You’re drunk like a bear and you can’t find a condom, so you don’t need to

Of course, it is an unpleasant situation, if you and the girl are ready for action and you cannot find a condom. Should we repeat the story of the wealth you should invest in a child?!? Get up and look harder or run and buy another! According to the World Health Organization, with perfect use, condoms prevent 98% of pregnancies. That’s a pretty good statistic.

ERROR: You keep a condom in your wallet for an eternity

If you use a condom that is not properly stored, it can put you in a much worse situation than your “sex drought” was. Extreme heat or a cold can damage the latex from which the condom is made. The best place to store your condoms is in cool, dark and dry places, such as a desk drawer, for example.

ERROR: You do not put lubricant on the inside of the condom

If you have marathon sex sessions (every part, brother), you can very easily damage a condom, so that over time it will become dry and will tear more easily, of course from the inside. Always use a little lubricant inside. It prevents cracking and gives a much better feeling for the one who wears a condom. But please read the second mistake one more time.

ERROR: You take off a condom before sex is over

04 10 najglupljih nacina

If you bragged about the fact that you used at least a little condom, don’t! According to no research, even if you put on a condom too early, it can directly affect the effectiveness of your protection. But you know what, if you keep it all the time, it can really increase your chances of not becoming a father, when you don’t have time! Just hold the root of the condom when you’re done so it doesn’t tear and spill you know what, you already know where.

ERROR: You don’t need a condom. You always get it out on time

05 10 najglupljih nacina

You may think that you have already become a professional in that, but even if you take it out on time every time, a girl can get pregnant again. How? Well, according to research, that little mucus that goes before the sperm, can pick up enough of your players left in the tube from the previous ejaculation and fertilize the egg. WOW, we opened your eyes, didn’t we? Now go outside and enjoy safe sex, unless it’s time for you to become a dad!

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