10 signs that she wants you

Guys are not always absolutely sure whether to take action or not. This article can help you know if a girl wants to approach her or not. The rest is up to you.

For men, success in women, in the first place, depends on their ability to read the signals they send them. Women are aware of the signals for courtship, but men notice them far less. Precisely because of this, men have trouble finding potential partners. There are 10 signs that a girl definitely demands you and is giving you the green light to approach her. These signals are used by women everywhere to show a man that they could be available to him.

The first sign

The head, body or feet directed towards the man, the direction in which the person directs the body or feet, represent a signal of where he would most like to go. Body and feet frequently indicate the people who are most interesting to the lady in question if she is in a larger company, among whom he is the most attractive.

The second sign

It is eye contact. A woman will look around and observe a man she likes. When he notices her too, she will keep her eyes on him for about five seconds, and then turn around. This process can be replicated several times and marks the beginning of flirting.

The third sign

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Perhaps the most sympathetic – a smile. The woman will give one or more smiles to the potential man who is a chosen one. This is a quick sign that should lead a man to the conclusion that it is time for action – approaching a lady. Many men do not react to these signals, and that gives a woman the feeling that he is not interested in her.

The fourth sign

Hair straightening remains a favourite female movement. Clothes and jewellery are frequently arranged. A woman will straighten up to emphasize her attributes, which is associated with grooming and beautification for a potential partner.

The Fifth sign

These are slightly open mouths, as Marilyn Monroe often did. The woman will apply this pose to make herself more attractive to men and take a position to start a conversation. Women instinctively know how to use their mouth and lips to attract attention.

The sixth sign

It’s in touch. The mind forces the body to fulfil secret desires, and so it is with mostly unconscious touching. When a woman slowly touches her thighs, neck or throat, it means that if a man plays his moves correctly, he may be capable to touch a woman in the same way.

The seventh sign

It would be a relaxed wrist. When walking or sitting, keeping the wrist in a relaxed state is a signal of submission, and that signal is used exclusively by women. Put differently, it is a signal that strongly attracts attention. And it can be stated that it is extremely attractive to men.

The eighth sign

Exposed wrist. An interested woman will gradually expose the inside of her wrist to a potential male partner, and increasingly show it to a potential partner as interest grows. It is a behaviour that acts on an unconscious level.

The ninth sign

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A side view over a raised shoulder, partially lowered eyelids, while a woman holds her gaze towards a man so that he barely observes it. As soon as the woman notices that she has been noticed, she briefly looks elsewhere. Raising her shoulders emphasizes femininity.

The tenth sign

Crossed legs say a lot. Most men agree that this is the most attractive way of sitting that a woman can take. It is a gesture that women often use to draw attention to their legs. If one leg is stepped forward, the woman with that leg shows which man she likes from all the others present. The combination of the hand on the side and the thumb on the belt signifies the self-confidence of the lady. An exposed left wrist also indicates interest.

And how does a man respond to all these signs? If he wears a tie, he will adjust the knot because he is adjusting for the lady. By directing his foot towards her, he transmits a clear signal that he is interested, just as a raised head means.

It should be borne in mind that women remain the initiators of most flirtations, which is a sign that they are the ones who choose men. Men, in most cases, are chosen. Women do all this so subtly, that men think they have the main word. In this way, women, unconsciously, raise their ego and self-confidence that they are the ones who are conquerors – predators. Regardless, there must be a pairing. The genuine one. Therefore, keep your eyes open and interpret all the signals that women send you. Good luck!