10 reasons why oral sex should be unskipped

Have you ever thought that you need to think hard about oral sex? Studying this interesting topic about men’s oral sex, revealed to us the reasons why men love to orally satisfy their better halves. Do you know why?

It prolongs pleasure

Sex that involves penetration lasts only a few minutes, at least in most cases, although it is not the rule, so men hope to have a longer sexual intercourse and enjoy their partner’s hug if they dedicate themselves more to her.

Increase the chances of a joint orgasm

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Since men generally reach a climax before a girl, orally satisfying, a partner prolongs pleasure and creates the possibility for a joint climax. Of course, this is not the rule, but statistics show that things are exactly like that in reality. Unfortunately for men.

Feeling of fingers in hair

Men love the feeling of massaging the head while orally satisfying their partner. But, in the other case, the satisfaction is equally strong. As might be expected, if you don’t pull each other’s hair.

An opportunity to slow down and enjoy a woman’s body

Every man has favourite parts on his partner’s body, and providing oral sex allows them to explore them more and enjoy them. Of course, ladies also enjoy if special attention is paid to their erogenous zones. Keep that in mind.

They are located under women’s breasts

The bottom view of your partner’s breasts simply has no price, as well as the opportunity to play with them during oral sex.

It’s more fun than massaging your feet

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Men want to please their better half, even when they are looking for a foot massage. However, more than a foot massage, they like the feeling of oral satisfaction of the partner and her ability to reach orgasm.

They can focus on what matters

Every so often it happens that men neglect the girl’s genital region during sex, and this is an ideal opportunity to correct that and to focus on every part of her intimate parts and to pay more attention to the clitoris.

Deepening the relationship with a partner

Believe it or not. Men believe that there is nothing more intimate than oral sex. And not even vaginal sex. When a girl allows them to satisfy her orally, they feel a deep connection, both physical and emotional.

Sexual karma

It is not about men expecting oral sex in return if they have previously orally satisfied their partner, but they deeply believe in that saying – the more you give, the more it comes back to you.

If we give this the possibility for something even nicer and better to happen after oral sex, they give all men additional motivation to satisfy their partner. So – go ahead, without hesitation. Offer her a kind of pleasure, and hardly any of them will refuse it. Naturally, there are always exceptions.

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