To every man, his penis represents a kind of pride, an organ that allows him to prove himself and show himself in the best light. At the minimum that’s what men think. Either way, there are some details that every man should know about his tool.
Alcohol is the worst enemy
You enjoyed a few drinks, came home with a girl and realized you couldn’t get an erection. Alcohol, in addition to acting as a poison if you drink too much, also acts as a depressant. According to some research, too much alcohol increases the risk of erectile dysfunction. So, take into account how much you will drink before arranging a party in bed.
Delayed ejaculation
Many men face delayed ejaculation, which can be influenced by several external and internal factors. For example, taking certain medications can have side effects on erection and intercourse itself. If you cannot ejaculate in certain situations (for example, you can ejaculate during masturbation, but not during sex.), then delayed ejaculation may be due to a mental problem.
Premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is one of the most common problems faced by men around the world. If you also have a problem with reaching the climax too quickly, there are several potential solutions.
Bent penis
When in an erection, it is normal for your penis to be slightly bent due to the anatomy. During an erection, the blood vessels relax and open, allowing blood to reach your arteries. The direction of the penis twisting depends on the proportion of the penis under the skin. Men with a shorter penis under the skin and a longer exposure will bend down and vice versa. Sometimes it can bend left or right, but that’s okay too. If you notice extreme bending and painful erections, you may be suffering from Perion’s disease, so see a doctor as soon as possible.
Itchy penis
Answer a few questions honestly: Were you a little lazy when it came to hygiene? Have you had sex with a girl you just met? Do you use new soap or shampoo?
All these factors can affect the itching of the penis, which is usually accompanied by redness or swelling and can be the result of too much sweat, wearing tight underwear, fungal infections, bacteria. Be sure to consult a doctor and dispel any doubts as soon as possible.
Penile secretion
Penile secretion does not necessarily mean that you have a sexually transmitted disease, such as chlamydia or gonorrhoea and can be the result of urethritis.
The secretion can be of different colours, starting from transparent, white to yellow and red, as well as density – it can be watery but also very thick. If you notice any secretions, consult a doctor immediately.
You can’t get an erection?
Research reveals most men can get rid of erectile dysfunction by changing their life habits. Also, many factors affect this disease, like vitamin D deficiency, diabetes, stress, infrequent sexual intercourse and too much smoking.
A pimple
Pimples on the penis can be hair follicles, cysts or an allergic reaction and they are harmless. However, pimples that appear as a consequence of sexually transmitted diseases are a little more serious and can appear as redness (herpes) or in the form of real pimples that itch.
Cuticle problems
If you are uncircumcised, you may have a problem pulling the foreskin off the tip of your penis. It is a condition called “phimosis”, and if this problem is unsolved, it can cause major accidents.
Fertility problems
Health and life habits are crucial when it comes to reproductive health, so you can have fertility problems if you use psychoactive substances, smoke, are obese or are constantly under stress.
In addition, fertility is affected by hormone and testosterone levels, so if you suspect you may be infertile, be sure to see a doctor and dispel any doubts as soon as possible.
Ejaculation problem
We’re sure you’ve heard of premature ejaculation, but what about delayed ejaculation? This condition is considered the difficulty of ejaculating and reaching orgasm during sex, even when you enjoy it. This condition affects about eight per cent of men.
Unlike premature ejaculation, which refers to an orgasm that is achieved in less than three minutes, there is no exact time in a relationship that would be considered sufficient to declare a state of delayed ejaculation.
However, urology professors reveal that if you cannot reach a climax in 20 minutes, you may have a state of delayed ejaculation.
What causes delayed ejaculation?
Ejaculation is a complicated process that involves the brain, nerves and muscles in your pelvic region. Your nerves send a signal from your brain to your pelvic floor muscles informing them to contract and release sperm. When these nerves do not communicate properly, either due to diabetes or multiple cases of sclerosis or due to age, the message of ejaculation from your brain is lost and ejaculation is absent.
Some medications can also delay your ejaculation, especially those that affect your central nervous system, and by that, we mean medications for depression, certain muscle pain relievers, and anti-smoking medications.
Hormone levels can also affect delayed ejaculation: men with lower testosterone levels or low thyroid hormones may be at risk for delayed ejaculation.
Problems like anxiety, depression, relationship conflict, sexual shame or fear of unwanted pregnancy and parenthood can also prolong ejaculation.
If these problems only occur when you are with a partner, consider the way you masturbate. If you use an atypical technique, your partner’s mouth or vagina may not respond properly.
Effects of delayed ejaculation
It may seem great if you have endless sex, but many men who suffer from delayed ejaculation claim that they are nauseous and physically tired during sex, which is why they stop having sex before they even reach orgasm.
This problem can also be a mental burden. A man may start feeling depressed or anxious because he needs to reach his peak. This is because when you feel stress, your body produces more of the hormone adrenaline. And much adrenaline is bad for your penis because it can make it harder for you to get an erection, and then lead to delayed ejaculation.
The problem of delayed ejaculation can create problems in your relationship because if you need reaching orgasm, your girlfriend will feel unattractive and unable to satisfy you.
If you think you also have problems with delayed ejaculation, make an appointment with a urologist and remove any doubts.
After how many minutes is ejaculation considered premature?
According to new research, any sex that lasts less than three minutes is considered premature ejaculation.
Two scientific papers have finally formed a unique clinical definition of premature ejaculation, which has suffered many misconceptions and misunderstandings in doctoral circles. In 2008, the Society for Sexual Medicine discovered the definition of lifelong premature ejaculation, which lacked the parameter of acquired premature ejaculation. The Second International Society for Sexual Medicine presented three different definitions of sexual dysfunction in men:
- Ejaculation that always occurs about one minute of vaginal penetration during the first sexual experience or later usually lasts three minutes or less.
- Inability to delay ejaculation with all or almost all vaginal penetrations.
- Negative personal consequences of stress, worries, frustration and/or avoidance of sexual intimacy.
Men who suffer from premature ejaculation do not need medication, but education.
What worries women the most?
However, the 1,500 women who participated in the study do not point out the problem of premature ejaculation as the primary source of frustration, but the fact that men focus too much on delaying ejaculation, so they ignore a woman’s sexual needs and are unable to satisfy it. Put differently, it is more important for them to last than to be of good quality.
Studies also shed light on the problem of men who technically do not suffer from premature ejaculation. This problem includes a general lack of control over ejaculation, diminished ability to control oneself at the moment of immediate ejaculation, and a preoccupation with hidden short ejaculation even though it lasts more than five minutes.